Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Current PC

Here is my current PC (Actually I got two new ones since I last updated)

Alienware M17X laptop it's a 2.8 Ghz Dual Core, 4 Gig Ram, 800 HDD of space, 4870 GPU Laptop that is now a very expensive DVD player. (My main rig crashes this and this laptop sits in my living room and acts as a DVD player to my TV)

I have the 17 inch screen, and then it's hooked up to a 40 inch TV

My next rig is what I call my baby :)Build it myself

It's a I7 920 GPU at 2.8 GHz, 5870 GPU (I depise ATI and when the next gen Nvidia cards are launched i'm upgrading.) 6 gigs of ram, and my HDD space is massive

I got 3 1.5 TB HDDs and 1 500 HDD and one external 1.5 TB HDD for a grand total of 6.5 TB.

Been a few years uh

So I was googling around my name to see what I could pull up and I found my old blog. Well let me sum up what's happened.

1. My business Total Digital Perfection (TDP) (God I love that name) failed, I built maybe 6-7 PCs made an average of like $60 or $70 a PC...Yea it didn't go so great. (it generally took 4-5 man hrs to create to include research/ordering/building/preparing
2. I did complete my CISCO networking class, and did get my CCNA and it expired (that alone took 5 yrs from taking it to it expiring)
3. I've moved a few time since I last updated, then I was in Ramstein Germany, I moved to Baumholder Germany, Camp Bondsteel Kosovo, and now Daegu South Korea.
4. My German girlfriend I had turned out to be a complete nut case, she was my first though so I guess that'll give her a special place. Outside of that she was a nutter...We broke up about 6-8 weeks after we started dating. I'm currently dating a Korean girl and she now lives with me and we've been together for about 6 months now.
5. I'm currently working as car sales man (for 3 yrs now actually) and it's going great.

I'm fairly confident no one actually reads this, but I did enjoy updating it!

Cheers guys!